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香港酒游记之一 ——开局篇

来源: 红酒客    作者: 沈昊    2012-10-30 18:09:06

香港酒游记之一 ——  开局篇














受惠于免除红酒税等因素,香港已成为亚洲葡萄酒贸易及分销枢纽。 2007年香港葡萄酒进口额约为2亿美元,增幅惊人。仅2011年,香港葡萄酒进口总额按年增长40%。









1. 爱诺特卡:日资连锁企业,价格公道,四平八稳。在香港和内地还是以波尔多的好酒为多。经常会举办品酒会和促销活动。

2. ETC:一位有着多年经验的酒商办的窗口。喜欢小众的,特别的葡萄酒的酒友值得去看一看,是能够找到惊喜的地方。不过,目前有两家门店,位于兰桂坊附近的香槟门店建议不用去浪费时间了,价格一般,品种一般,服务也不好。值得期待的是,在今年可能会新开一家勃艮第的专卖店。

3. 美酒汇:在香港经营许多年,位置在尖沙咀,以精品葡萄酒见长。我比较喜欢店里的勃艮第,当然波尔多的品种也不少,偶尔还能找到一些稀有的酒款。逛完之后,周边几百米内有好几家葡萄酒专卖店,象骏德酒业等都可以看看。稍远一些,美丽华B1层,香格里拉酒店附近几家专卖店都值得转转。


4. 到处转转,不经意间,发现华润旗下也开了一家专卖店,店内整洁,品种不少,感觉空间稍稍拥挤了一些。

5. 昌兴醇酒坊:烈酒爱好者的必到之处,基本上以烈酒为主。葡萄酒基本没有什么可以推荐的。



Travel in Hongkong 1-Start


Depending on long times of return and back between HK and Shanghai every year, this time I want to share my own superficial understand and experience for the HK wine market.


HK is the first major economy without the alcoholic tax and sales tax. HK has taken place of New York became the global biggest wine auction centre in 2010.


Two large exhibitions:

INEXPO is taken place in HK twice a year (Even-numbered years), another for odd year in Bordeaux.

HKTDC has set up since 2008 which bring the fast development of Asian wine market.


One centre:

HKIWEX is a trade organization which offers the valuable wines that worthwhile for the investment. Also it is the second international wine trade organization after London. Value of wine import for HK increase 6 times during 4 years, HK already form the Asian biggest wine trade and distribution centre, even become world’s biggest wine auction centre.


None tax:

Benefit from no tax for wine, HK has Asian biggest wine trade and distribution centre. In 2007, value of wine import increase strongly to 200 million dollars, only 2011, the total value of wine import rise 40%.

In recent years, HK has beyond New York and London, become world’s biggest wine auction centre. Last year, HK’s total sales amount for wine auction arrived at 229 million dollars. Furthermore, the investment outside to HK also increase a lot, more than 600 new entrepreneurs related to wine business has set up in HK.

Cancelling the wine tax bring the commercial opportunity. Now, most of top wine trade takes place in New York and London, the benefits is approximately 9030 million HK dollars (610 million pounds). In fact, 40% of the benefits come from China’s clients including large numbers of buyers based in HK. Only for Great Britain, 500 thousands box of wine stores in warehouse is belongs to HK People.


Purchasing Channels:

Method for company’s negotiation, purchase, wholesale according to my above mentioned trade centers. Of course, also including international wine merchants, winery’s agency in HK; professional wine trade companies.

Local HK citizens can choose wines from big supermarkets and Watson’s Wine Cellar which can be found everywhere in HK. Actually, it might be a good alter for those common wine lovers who does not quite familiar to wines.


Certainly, to the sophisticated amateur, the requirements will be different, my experience as follow:


1.ENOCETA: Japanese chain entrepreneur with reasonable and stable price. Both for HK and China mainland, Bordeaux fine wines accounts for large proportion. Always hold wine tasting and promotion.


2. ETC: The wine shops build by a skilled wine merchant who has long experience in wine industry. ECT is suitable for those who interested in small and special wineries, which easy to find surprise. Currently, only two wine shops in HK, one for Bordeaux, which I highly recommend. Another nearby Lan Kwai Fong emphasis on Champagne, rely on its common price, usual pattern, terrible service, so I warm suggest not necessary to visit, it will just waste your time! However, the new shop will start during this year for Bourgogne could be expected.


3. Majorcellar: Old wine shop in HK, located in Tsim Sha Tsui, excellent at fine wines for Bourgogne, Rhone, Bordeaux, Napa Valley, etc. Lots of precious top wine can be found here. Personally, I think its Bourgogne is one of the best in HK. Moreover, there are lots of wine shops such as Jointek close to the majorcellar.


4. The small wine shop belong to CRC seemed a little crowded.


5.Cheong Hing V.Insac: fantastic space for spirits. No recommendation for its wines.