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来源: 红酒客    作者: 沈昊    2013-02-01 10:52:46

来澳洲一个多月了,趁着圣诞假期,走走维多利亚州的产区。我经常戏称维多利亚是 ‘澳洲的勃艮第’,毫无疑问是我在澳洲最喜欢的葡萄酒产区了。

(During the Christmas Holiday,I went to Victoria for visiting the wine region. I always call Victoria ‘Australian Burgundy’, definitely, my favorite wines region across the Australia.)


Mornington Peninsula:

大名鼎鼎的Paringa Estate,坐落于red hill, 喜欢他们家的Shiraz。

(Famous winery Paringa Estate is located in Red Hill,I particular appreciate its single vineyard Shiraz.)


贵腐的Viognier 也不错,小清新加爽脆。

(Also the Botrytis Viognier is fresh and crisp,fantastic!)


固执的老头Rosalie White,一直在强调螺旋的好处,以及他的车库酒庄 Main Ridge。

(Rosalie White, a stubborn old man, who has repeated the advantages of screw-cap again and again,with his garagiste winery—Main Ridge.)


Eldridge Estate:




我与Phillip Jones(I and Phillip Jones)



(Next, upcoming。。。)