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来源: 红酒客    作者: 沈昊    2012-06-25 10:52:36

某日,在一本杂志上看到林志鹏老师发表的一篇文章,是关于他多年前在Vinexpo上偶遇Robert Parker,并与Parker“合影”。文中提到Parker不排斥其他人拍照,但从不主动与之合影,他只忙于自己的工作-记录酒评。我震惊于像Parker这样世界级的酒评家竟依然保持在酒展上记录tasting notes。这不禁让我联想起另外一位葡萄酒界的大人物Jancis Robinson,她说自己至今仍然不论何时身边总带着笔记本,用来记录着自己喝过的酒,只有在真正和朋友一起放松时,她才不记酒评。


学酒几年来,我也逐渐养成了随身携带小本子,走到哪记到哪的好习惯。现在若不及时记录下自己对酒的心得体会,仿佛会浑身上下觉得不自在。今年在上海的新西兰酒展上碰到Simon Nash MW,他告诉我说,想要成为最优秀的品酒师,就必须坚持不断的写tasting notes,并鼓励我坚持下去,他认为这对我来说将会很重要。





Tasting note, take or not?

One day, I read an article in a magazine which written by Mr. JP Lin about he met and took a photo with Robert Parker in the Vinexpo many years ago.  It said Parker doesn’t refused to take photos with others but he is never active, because he only emphasis on his job—taking tasting notes. Then it let me think of another significant person of the wine industry--Jancis Robinson, she said she still keep a booklet for tasting notes whenever as well as wherever until right now, only except for the time when she actually relaxing with friends.


Several years studying the wine until now, I gradually form a good habit that keep a booklet and tasting the notes wherever. Seemed I will feel uncomfortable if I don’t record my feeling of wines immediately. I have met Simon Nash MW during the New Zealand wine exhibition, he told me that if you want to be most excellent wine taster, you have to insist tasting the notes, and he encouraged me to keep it up. He thought it will be very important to my future.


Finally, quote the words of Japanese“God of Sushi”Mr. ErLang to finish: when you choose your career, you have to work hard without any complaint; the only secret of success is that one guy actually loves his/her job, practicing his/her skill throughout his/her life….